In an unusual turn of events, a 16-member Assam Police team was detained by locals in Nagaland after Google Maps led them to the wrong location during a raid operation.
The incident occurred on Tuesday night when the police team, mostly in plainclothes, was conducting a raid to apprehend a criminal. Following Google Maps directions, the team inadvertently crossed state borders and entered a tea garden in Nagaland's Mokokchung district, believing it to be in Assam.
Local residents, noticing armed individuals in civilian clothes, mistook the police team for criminals and confronted them. Only three officers were in uniform at the time, which added to the confusion. During the confrontation, one police officer sustained injuries.
Upon realizing the gravity of the situation, Assam Police contacted their counterparts in Nagaland for assistance. The locals initially released five officers, while the remaining 11 team members were held overnight.
The misunderstanding was cleared the following morning when the Nagaland Police intervened. A senior Assam Police official explained that the error occurred because Google Maps incorrectly showed the tea garden's location as being within Assam's borders.
The incident highlights potential risks of over-reliance on digital navigation tools during law enforcement operations, particularly in areas with sensitive border jurisdictions.
All officers were safely released on Wednesday morning after the Nagaland Police's intervention, bringing the unexpected border mishap to a peaceful resolution.